Aujourd’hui, 23 avril on fête la journée mondiale du livre. Nous avons eu le plaisir d’assister à une séance d’histoires et de contes. Norte maîtresse de français est devenue conteuse et elle nous a lu un livre qu’on connait bien: le monstre des couleurs, mais cette-fois en français, bien sûr. Après, nous avons colorié le monstre de la couleur qui correspondait.
The five-year-olds have a large vocabulary now, and last week we played a monster listening game. The students had to listen to a description of the monster but they weren’t allowed to see a picture of it. They heard things like, «The head is a purple triangle,» «The monster’s hands are orange and they have three fingers,» «The monster is wearing a light blue skirt,» and so on. Then they had to draw what they heard. It was fun seeing the finished monsters and noticing what they had in common and what was different about each!