Starry, Starry Night

The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. What can you see in the night sky? We talked about the night and then made our own night sky pictures. First we colored with crayon. Then we painted over the whole picture with a wash of watercolor. The wax in the crayon resists the paint and leaves the stars and moon visible. We loved the process and the finished product was beautiful!

Emotional Intelligence

Learning to recognize and understand emotions in both ourselves and others is an important life skill. We’re developing our emotional intelligence in the five-year-old classrooms using these faces. Each child’s picture is attached to a clothespin which the child can move from face to face to indicate his or her current mood. The five moods we’re working on are: happy, sad, angry, scared, and restless. It’s a helpful tool for developing self-awareness and has been the starting point for some great discussions about managing feelings and relationships with others.



This year is a big one: the last year in Infants! So we’re celebrating birthdays in a special way. In one classroom, students get to paint a canvas on their big day. At the end of the school year, each boy and girl will get to bring his or her artwork home as a reminder of the happy memories we made together.
Happy Birthday!!

Family Trees

They are my family

This week we have been talking about families. We explored the idea that our parents’ parents are our grandparents. Each child made a family tree with pictures of the child, his or her two parents, and all four grandparents. It’s been fun for the other students to see their classmates’ families, and the children love explaining who all the «branches» are.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn is here!!

The days are cold and rainy. Summer is gone and autumn is here. The five-year-olds are learning about the season as we make our own colorful leaves with black glue and watercolors.


It´s funny!!
Brown, yellow….we used all autumn colors



Ellas han sido las protagonistas del taller que han hecho los peques de 2 años.
Nuestro principal objetivo era el reconocimiento y diferenciación de algunas frutas: la manzana, la pera, el plátano y la naranja, asociando cada fruta con su color.
Ha resultado una actividad muy enriquecedora, no solo por promover una actitud positiva hacia estos alimentos, sino por lo bien que se lo pasaron trabajando con la pintura de dedos.
Aquí os dejamos el resultado:

Trabajamos el color ROJO
Ahora le toca el turno al AMARILLO





Facilitamos la plantilla que hemos usado por si queréis reforzarlo en casa o aprovechar una tarde lluviosa para colorearla con ellos (recordad siempre asociando el color a la fruta).


Vamos a secretaría a llevar nuestros tapones

Ayer celebramos “La fiesta de los tapones solidarios”.

Con la ayuda de todos los niños de tres años…

¡Conseguimos llenar nuestro primer bote


Esto hay que celebrarlo







Con los tapones recogidos podremos ayudar a otras personas que lo necesiten.

¡Lo celebramos por todo lo alto!





Superequipo de Reciclaje de Tapones



Hi everybody,

We did an amazing activity with your kids about how to represent their dreams.


.Watch a video about dreams.

.Talk about it.

.Draw your dreams.

Enjoy wonderful results!.

Here are some websites to get more information:

Nuestros primeros trabajos


Ya llevamos dos semanas de cole y parece que todos nos vamos adaptando al aula, a las profes, los compis y las rutinas. Cada vez estamos mejor, más contentos y participativos, lloramos menos y jugamos más!!!

Pero no todo es juego, también hemos comenzado a realizar nuestros primeros trabajos, a experimentar con distintos materiales y mancharnos un montón.

Aquí os dejamos una pequeña muestra de ello, para que os hagáis a la idea de todo lo que nuestros “grandes peques” son capaces de hacer.