The five-year-old children have really enjoyed working by projects. We want to share with you how fun it has been designing a robot. For four weeks we have been thinking about things that we could create with recycled material. We have been colouring cardboard boxes, collecting tops, bottles, yoghurt containers, and, in the end, we were sure that we wanted to have a robot in class, made with these materials. The result has been awesome, and we are really happy because we have a new friend in class. His name is 5B; you can see him in the pictures, or you can even come to our class to meet him!
semana cultural
Orugas por un día
Los niños de tres años lo hemos pasado genial durante toda la Semana Cultural, no hemos parado de realizar actividades… una de las que más nos ha gustado ha sido el Taller de coronas que realizamos el martes.
Cada niño se hizo su propia corona y todos nos convertimos en “oruguitas” durante toda la tarde.
¡Estábamos todos guapísimos!
Proyecto 1 año
En nuestro Proyecto, hemos trabajado «Con Los Cinco Sentidos». Aquí os dejamos un vídeo que resume muchas de las actividades que hemos realizado para llevarlo a cabo.
Esperamos que os guste!!!
Big Room (Jornada de Puertas Abiertas)
Aquí tenéis un vídeo creado por las personas que pasaron por la Big Room el domingo de Puertas Abiertas usando el croma (alumnos, padres, hermanos…). Es la nueva versión del Photocall… el Videocall. Aunque no pertenece a Infantil, nos parece una experiencia muy divertida que queríamos compartir en nuestro blog.
Fables and Fairy Tales
The five-year-olds had a special treat one afternoon during Cultural Week. Students from the ESO performed many different mini-plays for us, telling familiar stories. We saw Jack and the Beanstalk, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, and lots more. We counted ten different plays in all! We particularly enjoyed an original story about Winnie-the-Pooh and Tinkerbell. Thank you to the students who took the time to prepare such a fun treat for us!